Crazy Weather
09.03.2013 - 10.03.2013 -4 °C
From This (+14C)
To This (-4C)
It seems as though I havent entirely missed out on the wild weather thats been going on at home! A couple of weeks ago we had some some and I rushed out to take photos, thinking it would be the last of the season! All was seeming true as the weather improved, so much so it was above 10c! Suddenly everyone seems to be unemployed or 'sick', because rather than at work they were in the park, wandering the streets, filling the cafes and generally soaking up the rare warmth and sun. I think for the first time ever I called a 12c day 'warm'.
Just as quick as the warm sunny weather had come it turned into a fairly miserable, but still not too cold rainy few days. The cloudy weather trapped in what was left of the warmth, until another cold snap set in! Of course this cold snap appears when my girlfriend, Gaby, came to visit from Geneva. Maastricht was suddenly the coldest place in the Netherlands and claims a snow dump to be envied by the annual snowfall in the Snowy Mountains!
Not only did it snow, but it snowed sideways with the wind seriously chilling my fingertips and ears! Nonetheless, the snow does make the city look really beautiful.
We still get around the town and see everything and had a good time trying to stay warm in bars and cafes.
Posted by Jack Chaffey 07:53 Archived in Netherlands Tagged snow spring cold maastricht limburg crazy_weather